As a senior executive leader, you know how rapidly contexts and situations change.
You listen as people in your organization try to cope with unheard of levels of uncertainty and complexity every day. You hear how difficult it is for them to go beyond their current thinking and come up with fresh solutions to complex problems. You watch them struggle to not only make decisions, but also to come together as teams, cross-functional business units, and as an organization to produce results.
You see clearly now that, no matter what the future may hold, transformation must be on the agenda for you, for them, and for your organization.
If you are recognizing the need to accelerate your own development in order to navigate yourself and others through our ever-changing reality, then it’s time to learn the transformative principles that will lead to the highest and best use of who you are.
Lori’s approach to coaching you in this is rooted in partnership and a mutual commitment to growth and authenticity. Together, you’ll identify what your natural center of gravity is as a leader, and what you can develop to become who you need to be.